Panasonic sistemi PBX Beograd Panasonic PBX Panasonic PBX

Nitel-com d.o.o. Tel/Fax: 011/6157-986, Mob: 063/242-112,

"Nitel-com" d.o.o. je preduzece koje se bavi uvozom i prodajom:
  • Panasonic telefonskih centrala - (Panasonic PABX)
  • Panasonic telefax aparata - (Panasonic fax machines)
  • Panasonic telefona (kancelarijski,stoni,bezicni) - (Panasonic telephone systems)
  • Panasonic digitalni, ip telefonima - (IP, digital phone systems)
  • HP uredjaja - (HP devices)
  • Potrosnim materijalom za fax uredaje - (Printer consumables)
  • Ostale dodatne opreme za uredjaje - (Other equipment for devices)
  • Servis Panasonic opreme, montaza, programiranje, obuka korisnika
  • Postavljanje i odrzavanje video nadzora

    Od osnivanja 1997. godine, do danas nas asortiman je svake godine siri, te smo spremni da uvek odgovorimo zahtevima kupaca. Dugogodisnje iskustvo u radu, saradanja sa domacim i inostranim organizacijma, pouzdanost, kreativnost, omogucili su da se nadjemo medju uspesnim malim preduzecima u Srbiji.
    Cilj preduzeca je razvoj profesionalnog znanja i sposobnost da u skladu sa novim tehnoloskim inovacijama istupamo na trziste i zadovoljimo sve potrebe nasih kupaca iz oblasti telekomunikacija.
    Niske cene,brzi rokovi isporuke ,kvalitetan inzenjering, nas su prioritet u radu.

    Since establishment in 1997. year to date our range is expanding every year, and we are always ready to meet the demands of customers. Many years of experience, the collaboration between the domestic and international Organisations, reliability, creativity, allowed to be found among successful small companies in Serbia.
    The goal of the company is the development of professional knowledge and ability to comply with the new technological innovation to the market come forward and meet the needs of our customers in the field of telecommunications.
    Low prices, fast delivery times, quality engineering, are some of our top priorities.

Panasonic Beograd
Telekomunikacije Beograd
Panasonic Beograd

Panasonic centrale

Panasonic centrala